Myria | Connecting the world through play
Rewards are coming soon! Information on how to install your node client will be released shortly.


Mint Assets

Available to mint

Common Sigil

Gluten-free squid man braid, mlkshk offal bespoke lomo biodiesel direct trade.

2 hours ago

Rare Sigil

Gluten-free squid man braid, mlkshk offal bespoke lomo biodiesel direct trade.

2 hours ago

Ultra Rare Sigil

Gluten-free squid man braid, mlkshk offal bespoke lomo biodiesel direct trade.

2 hours ago

Off Chain Assets

Common Alliance Chest

Gluten-free squid man braid, mlkshk offal bespoke lomo biodiesel direct trade.

2 hours ago

Common Title

Gluten-free squid man braid, mlkshk offal bespoke lomo biodiesel direct trade.

2 hours ago